Friday, December 19, 2014

. . . More Elf on the Shelf Fun with Roy . . .

I am SO behind.  With this being my busiest season for my Stationery business I just get really backed up on blog posts and I feel terrible about that.  Especially when we have so much fun with Roy at our house!  He has been up to no good as usual and here are a few photos of his antics lately.

 Uh Oh...Roy is lit up like a Christmas tree!  He even has a star on his head.  

 Such a rotten look on his face!

 He is flying high today!  

 We love that he even has the bomber jacket and flight goggles.  My husband works in aviation so this one really got a laugh out of all of us.

 Roy always does something nice for Marcus's birthday and this year was no different!  He brought Krispy Kreme and left lots of confetti around!
 Yum!  My dad saw this set up and said he was sure he needed an elf of his own.

 My mom made Roy pajamas and after a sleepover at our house he was cuddled up in them.  He even has a sleep mask on!  Obviously he doesn't want to be disturbed.  I want to stay in my pajamas all day too!

 Oh boy!  Tis the season to be spending lots of money.  I guess Santa and his Elves are no exception because Roy was balancing his checkbook.

 I love that Santa sends checks to Roy so he can go do some shopping.  He even banks at the Bank of North Pole. 
 Looks like Roy and Santa have been spending lots of money!

 Oh Roy!  How did this happen?  You must have snuck into Charley's crate and got trapped.  

 This is one of my favorites!  I just love those huge googly eyes.  We had been talking about the Sons of Anarchy finale and Roy must have been as upset about it as we were.
 Wow--Santa and his Elves watch Sons too!  I wouldn't have thought so but I guess it is true.

 How cute!  Roy loved watching us with our new puppy Charley and our dog Maggie so he went and found a puppy too!  Peppermint will be making regular appearances with Roy I guess.

 Roy was up to no good today!  He covered our trees with Candy Canes.  I guess he thought he was really funny.
 Not great photos but they were in the trees and our son thought this one was hilarious.  He didn't want them taken down but after a day they came down.
 He was busy getting all these candy canes in the bushes and trees.

 Uh Oh!  Roy brought coal today as a reminder to keep being good or Santa would be bringing lots more Christmas Morning.

 I hope this coal is a good reminder to Marcus to keep being good!

 The last week of school before Christmas Break started off with a real healthy breakfast!  Marcus read the note and looked at me and said "I don't really have to eat that do I?".  

 I guess it is true that sprinkles are great but not sure how yummy sprinkle toast would be.
 At least it was colorful but no one ate it at our house.

 Another funny day with Roy.  He covered the sink with shaving cream!  I guess he needs to keep his baby face smooth by shaving everyday.
 He even left Marcus a little message on the mirror!
 I love that Peppermint came along too!

Oh Boy!  Roy got into my gift wrapping stuff and made a big mess!  

 I guess he has to get Peppermint's gift wrapped and decided to help himself to my gift wrap.

Well, that is pretty funny that he thinks he is such a neat gift wrapper.  If this isn't a mess I'd hate to see what he thinks of as a mess!  Maybe if he takes over wrapping all the gifts that I need to wrap this weekend I will forgive him for creating such a disaster. 

What has your elf been up to?  I love hearing about the antics so let me know.

Happy Holidays!

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